Enterprise Vulnerability Management
May 04, 2022
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Enterprise vulnerability management is a process that ensures your company is entirely protected from the outside. With several databases and information stacks stored on clouds and servers, you need the correct security elements to ensure nothing can be taken without your knowledge. Additionally, every new detection of a vulnerable point introduces added risk to an organization, making managing these elements essential to secure storage and network communication for your business.

A defined process is often used to provide organizations with a way to identify and address these threats quickly and consistently. This service comprises several methods, each lending themselves to finding and solving any underlying issues. Read on to find out more about these services.


You cannot secure potential threats or weak points if you do not know where or what they are. This possible risk range is why the first process involves taking an inventory of all assets across the business setting. The method includes identifying elements within the operating systems, services, applications, and configurations, that could threaten your system’s security. Usually, both a network scan and an authenticated agent-based system scan are carried out to ensure that all potential threats are identified accordingly. Discovery should be performed regularly on an automated schedule.


Once discovered, assets need to be categorized into groups and assigned a risk-based order of priority. This system of prioritization is based on the function and its importance to the functionality of the business. You can ensure a more effective resolution process when you have the correct elements prioritized.


The following method or process establishes a risk baseline for your point of reference, allowing you to see comparatively what has been improved and what elements may still be at risk. This analysis gives you valuable information about the system and its exposure. In addition, assessments provide an ongoing baseline over time that can be referred back to again and again.


Once identified and prioritized, the issues should be fixed. This remediation could mean patching or reconfiguring the system, making the overall design more secure. Finally, to complete remediation, controls should be in place for future protection, and progress can be documented to be presented in a report.

Enterprise vulnerability management is a service that ensures you can stay on top of your network security and protect your assets. With the right professional tools and software, you can protect your business infrastructure. Contact us today to find out more.